To The Innovation Leaders




Innovation is the measure of time it takes to say “AHA!”.
You can build systems just from that.

At its core, innovation is simply *’scuse my french* idea-sex.

Two ideas meshed together that no one would think to, and magically it works. That requires real magic (which lives within the people) and gold ideas (a space as infinite as the stars). In my view, all intricacies of when, how much, and how — which sit in the operational foundations of the car— don’t go far without a north star direction to anchor. Those often abstract yet stellar visions can drive forever, with the right fuel and wheels for many times and spaces.

True innovation shows the answers to problems not yet solved or seen.
And it becomes a driver when a team, org. whatever, can create it, sustainably. Pure creation. (This varies from creation that improves on creative ideas already out there.)
Let others write the trends about it. Be the trendsetter.

Ah yes risk is a big part of this equation.
Of course it requires a smart, lean team. my, Funnily that freedom is already limiting. Model risk however factors fit your brand and company! or consult me.

In its word etymology, innovation refers to “introduce as new”, which is to make new or to renew. Either case, it denotes a birthing process. And a true birthing process is not a leadership style, it is an act of responsible collaboration, one that creates.
Yes studying the past is crucial to learn and refine strategies, objectives, etc., and having future ‘vision’ is crucial for direction. We get caught up in the past when we model based on past outcomes and results, rather than past intentions and developments, and we get ahead of ourselves predicting the future when we forget, no matter how much planning, it is full of possibilities and probabilities. This perspective needn’t be daunting.

Conducting these studies is non-linear, non black-white fashion has shown to expand our team’s minds and understanding of collected data and information; the variables for innovative success are both known and unknown, and they cluster. The knowns are typically planned and mapped, so can the unknowns, they can be honored and made space for. That space is what allows for innovative ideas to flourish organically; let the consumers, the people, show the brand how they want to use it, and go from there.

That implies a phase post-lauch for experimentation and testing, with the intent to revisit, refine and re-launch. On, and on, and on.

You may say “that’s a reach, we don’t have time for all this, we are moving fast with our approach.” That’s okay, this is the quality you are signing in for. Innovation as a business is a dangerous game of its own; teams put all their weight into executing ideas rather than finding ways for ideas to execute themselves, for the right audiences and communities. It doesn’t take augmented intelligence to set this perspective. How when and how much can use all the AI and traditional tools desired, from marketing to cost analysis.

As I chatted through this perspective with an author I newly met, he also added “and not everyone is meant to be a trendsetter.”

The perspective I share here doesn’t simply give a new way to think of innovation, but it offers it with a price, as our existence on Earth comes not in a ‘right’ line, but in a virtuous circle. Real innovation comes with a forgiving innerstanding that OPENS the tiny holes of our perspectives and perceptions to date. Finally. A way to seize our inner powers without carrying all the weight that goes against our true natures.

In worlds ruled by energy, where no energy is ever lost, ‘giving’ also implies ‘taking’, whereas ‘offering’ implies ‘offering back.’ The latter form of exchange comes not only with sovereign credit back to the Earth that holds us, but also with conscientiousness, care, compassion, and mutual trust of sex-ing ideas. ;) It’s a collaborative mindset that cre-ates, that separates, rather than just a creative one. Honorable collaboration means “we are experimenting, together and we must do so with caution.” Dualistic creation (creation that doesn’t collaborate) means “we have eaten together and we are now full and filled with our ‘right’ to have eaten; ‘they’ over there could have created their own fulfillment too.’

It’s proving more fruitful setting priorities this way, especially in our chaotic climates today… Now this innovation may feel like rocket science, but really, all it takes is three tries to unveil new virtuous patterns of ideas and frameworks that not only go “aha!”, but continue “aha haha hahaha”.

Ha ha :)

Image: Responsible Beauty: Creative Concept Proposal by Luciana Jaalouk and 3D Modeling by Pedro Javier Arredondo

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