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why not Quantum Hypnotherapy with Luciana


Are you considering Quantum Healing Hypnosis (QHHT) with Luciana?

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  • There are 3 Parts.

    Altogether we easily take 4-6 hours, so plan to be available from any commitments. Allocating the day for yourself is recommended.

    Part 1, we talk. I get to know you and your life events. We take the time we need, and we review the list of questions you want to address. This focuses the information and healing you need from the most appropriate time and place.

    Part 2, you relax and experience the hypnosis healing. This part is ~2hrs, though it will feel much shorter (like time experienced in dream-state). This part is audio recorded and given to you as soon as possible after the session ends. It is strongly encouraged for the client to listen to the recording several times in the days following the session, and as well later, as it will bring additional information or healing each time. Do not listen to the recording while operating a vehicle or machinery.

    Part 3, we review what you saw and remember, 30mins-1hr. It's important to get a proper meal to ground as soon as the session ends.

    We take our time.

  • Anything you share in the session and post-session concerning our time together is completely confidential and cannot be shared without your agreement.

  • The session cost is $770.

    At the moment to honor the training phase, you can pay what you like, no questions asked, sincerely. Your payment will be ethically considered a donation until the training phase is complete.

    àLaLuce’s quantum hypnotherapy offers you an alternative healing therapy, simply by getting to know each other, followed with a relaxing visualization by the Quantum Healing Technique. More info below on what makes it quantum, why it's a unique technique, etc.

    $ Contribution: Venmo, PayPal or Zelle upon request.

  • Option Scenario - If you are located in the New York boroughs area, and within reasonable and reachable commute, the first option is for me to meet you in your home space alone, or if you can get the space to yourself (from roommates, partners, etc.) for at least 4-5 hours. All we need is an area to sit and talk, and an area for the hypnosis to lay and relax preferably on a bed. Some NYC apartments, those two areas are the same. That is also fine, what matters is the factor of comfort and being in your own space to best relax. The hypnosis doesn't need to occur in the dark, but a dimmed setting helps.

    Option Scenario - If it’s too difficult to get a space for yourself in the near future, let's talk, we can coordinate another space, or prepare in advance for locations with farther commutes.

    Option Scenario - You live in Italy. I will not do remote sessions, it is absolutely not possible with this kind of work, it must be done in person, with the person, as we are operating in the deep levels of trance unlike other techniques. Perhaps we could arrange something… !

  • Nobody. Everything that happens in our time together is strictly confidential between me and the client. You will be given the audio recording for the hypnosis session. If you are interested in getting hypnotized in front of a class or other, contact me for more details.

  • Please prepare and bring a list of questions on paper (handwritten or printed) you’d like to address.

    Put these questions and concerns in order of importance and we will do our best to address them all. Some clients have one question or issue of concern, while others have dozens. It really doesn’t matter how many as long as you prioritize.

    The questions address you, and particularly the ‘Subconscious’ in you and in all of us; this is the part of the mind and body we will be working with. ​I will explain this more deeply on the day of the session.

    The questions can address anything from physical symptoms, emotional, mental or spiritual questions, relationships with people, as well as life purpose/direction questions, or areas with cyclical patterns that you’d like to address. There are no wrong questions. People ask amazing things from the smallest details to the most wide. We'll go over those together.

    The ‘Subconscious’ in the quantum healing hypnosis context defines itself as the ‘Higher Self’, the pure loving ‘Source Consciousness’ that is all and knows all, different from the traditional definition established by psychiatrists and medical practitioners, though entirely related (that's the part used for habits, programs, beliefs that stem from childhood, and that traditional hypnotists use for habits; that's not the part we work with.) The 'Subconsicous' as ‘They’ like to call themselves, which comes through after the ‘travel’ or past life regression, supplies everything you need to know. It is so big and it is so huge, it is total love, and cares about everybody.

    You may have your own preference of snacks prepared as we talk. I will bring a light snack for us too.

    Once we talk, then do the hypnosis and bring you back, we’ll go over what you remember from the deep trance state.

    This time ahead gives you space to craft those questions!

  • Try to pay attention to your dreams before your appointment. Write them down. They are messages for you and it can help with your session. If you do not already meditate, it's a good time to start. At the very least, give yourself quiet time daily to quiet your mind chatter.

    Don’t drink alcoholic and caffeinated beverages before the session or the evening before, if possible. If you are a regular morning coffee drinker, please don’t skip your coffee, but keep it to a minimum before your session.

    Clear your day for the session if possible. We begin by talking, going over the process, and your questions. Then you get comfortable, relaxed and we begin the actual hypnotic experience. Afterwards, we go over what was experienced and make sure you are awake and grounded. This entire process can take anywhere from 4-6 hours total, occasionally longer.

    It is generally not a good idea to have additional appointments after our session, or activities that require a great deal of concentration. You should take it easy.

    Having a regression is very much like participating in a long, detailed and involved daydream. You really will feel as if you have just returned from an amazing journey, having visited other worlds and lifetimes, and in fact, you will have done just exactly that. It is best to have some time to process your experience and give yourself an opportunity to fully return to your regular conscious day-to-day reality before attempting any complex mental tasks or strenuous physical activity.

    ​Light movement prior to your appointment, like a nice walk, is an excellent way to prepare for a successful session. This is another good time to repeat your intention. We want your body relaxed, but your mind quiet, alert and engaged.

    You will be provided a recording of your session. Listening to your session in the days, weeks and even months ahead, is an important part of the experience of a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique. Even if your conscious mind remembers the session immediately afterwards, it can, just as some dreams can, begin to fade from your memory, even if you had an “unforgettable” experience! In addition, any healing or integration can and will be reinforced by listening repeatedly to the audio. The goal is to have your conscious mind “get on board” and align with your Higher Self and its goals, and accept any changes or healing you intend to occur.

  • The general guidance is to ask personal questions or keep topics related to your personal life. Here are a few examples.

    I have had asthma since birth. Why? Can it be healed?

    I am in a love relationship. Is this our first life together? I find myself revisiting the same love patterns, why?

    I really dislike my job and would like to quit and find a new one. Should I?

    I have a difficult relationship with my sister. Why is this so and can it be resolved?

    Many years ago I had something strange happen to me. (This could be a dream, vision, feeling, or experience). What exactly happened, and why?

    I have a lifelong interest in (name ANY subject) can we explore this in depth?

    Am I on my right spiritual path?

    Can I meet my spirit guide or guardian angel?

    Can I improve my intuitive or psychic skills? How?

    How can I create more peace or balance or abundance in my life?​

    You are encouraged to be specific.

  • Well, you are granted the right to ask all the questions you want, anytime. And some who don't know they can, they try to write it on the spot.. Some people come in with pages and lists. That's okay too.

    What I usually say to the client, “If I don't know anything about your life, I won't know what questions to ask. So that’s why I just want you to tell me about yourself.” Besides, it makes for a great and very much needed personal exercise.

    The Subconscious speaks to each one of our souls in many forms, questions being a leading form. With time, this is a practice and a muscle you can develop a personal understanding of your own (for example my relationship with my Subconscious is quite funny, ‘they’ know they can best get me to listen using humor).

  • With this technique, I only have to see you one time. Very rare are those clients where we need to revisit the session or continue it on another day, and it is typically due to an obvious reason or interruption. I only have to see you one time, and that’s why I spend a great deal of time with you before I even do the session. The more time we spend together, the more I’ll know what questions to ask. I am not restricted by a quota of having to see xy number of clients per day. So we take our time.

    Most clients, I don't know anything about them when they first come in. We can spend two hours easily, just talking. It depends what kind of problems the client has and what it is they are looking for. This is why the 'interview' is extremely important.

    The hypnosis session itself consists of the induction, the ‘travel’, and the Subconscious. This part shall not exceed 2 hours, otherwise it will take longer and ‘heavier’ for the physical body to come back from the trance and adjust to this reality lifetime again.

    Finally, the review can easily take an hour as we go over what you remember; it also serves as additional grounding time for you to continue your day normally after the session. Remember, it will feel like you have traveled far and exerted much energy, so please remember to take it easy on yourself that day.

    Immediately after we end, the first thing you should do is get yourself something to eat, a real meal, in order to ground your body, with lots of hydration, as well to follow in the next three days.

    By doing the session, we open a portal to the subconscious where you can still receive information for up to three days after in your dreams, so it is recommended to continue asking the questions right before going to sleep.

    Once again, it’s strongly encouraged for you to continue listening to the recording several times after a session, and later as well, as you will get more information and more healing from it. I stress this many time because it is important. Please skip the first 10-15 mins of the induction, so you don’t fall to sleep, and especially do not listen to the recording while you’re driving or while commuting somewhere, as my voice easily puts people in trance again.

  • You do not need to do any protection rituals prior. There is a section in the hypnosis dedicated just for that. I get this question often with clients who may need more time for allowing and trusting the images to come in. You absolutely cannot be harmed by this technique, there are safeguards implemented exactly for this reason.

  • QHHT is a unique technique different from other traditional forms of hypnosis. This is a hypnosis technique that has never been taught before, it is different from what other hypnotists are taught. It was created by Dolores Cannon over her 45-year career as a regressive hypnotherapist, working with thousands of clients since the 1960s in countries all over the world. In those days, the only thing you used hypnosis for was habits (smoking, weight loss, relaxation, etc.) with long drawn-out inductions and ancient techniques. What you see in tv shows, this is not it. In the 60s, no one knew what reincarnation was, there was no ‘metaphysics’, ‘past lives’ was as close to having a magical seance, and all the skeptics shut it down. Dolores' curiosity with simple hypnosis and experiences is what drove her work and legacy over the decades. Some people might better understand the term "Past Life Regression". Quantum Healing Hypnosis began with an exploration of Past Lives. Today, with the expansion of human consciousness, more than just Past Lives are available to experience. Some people experience Future Lives, Parallel Lives, Lives on Other Planets, Lives in Other Dimensions. Some people visit the Spirit Side. Some people find themselves in the Akashic Records and still, others visit the Temple of Healing. QHH focuses on the concept that the client will go to "the most appropriate time and place" to address any requests for healing or information.

    I have taken training with Dolores and I am certified to practice this method for my own clients. She has written 17 books about it.

    It is a unique technique as it is simple, it is faster, it honors the true free will of each person, it goes to a deeper level of trance -the somnambulistic level (in that level, the person becomes the different personality from the other life)- and most importantly, it revolves around asking questions, which allow for your Subconscious to come through, through you; it is a part of you that's been with you since the beginning!

    It takes 5-15 mins to get 'under', versus other older techniques which take about an hour or more to get the person to that point, and by that time the client is wondering "when will this actually start?" and they are drawn out.

    The QHHT session is full of safeguards and protections, it is designed in a way that you cannot be harmed from it, after Dolores’ years of refining the technique.

    This works at the deep levels of trance, it is not in a place where you typically remember everything, and it can quickly leave the memory, like a dream.

    Other hypnosis techniques say "don't work at the deep levels, strange things happen in the deep levels." There is nothing to be scared of, it is quite fantastic, that is where all the answers are. With QHHT, I hold you in that Theta level, so you don't fall asleep nor wake up, and by keeping you talking you can access it deeper. In Alpha you can get some information, but it's not all the information we want or need, often not clear and does not provide resolution.

    This technique helps you figure out the messages the body is trying to communicate to you, and why. The body is a wonderful messenger, it starts out subtle, especially if you start to get sick, and start to experience pain. ‘Pain’ is a wonderful way to get your attention. Pain is not usually the first message though, that's when it can develop with a disease or an illness, but we don't want to get to that point. “You're not getting the message, you’re not listening,” ’They’ say. The body also remembers and can carry 'residue' from past lives and experiences lived.

    When we go to the subconscious, we truly get all the answers, and some miraculous instantaneous healing has occurred with clients.

    A QHHT session allows you to gain a better understanding of yourself, your life events, relationships, and origins. It allows you to answer the questions you have always wondered about. It assists you in finding the origins of illness, dis-ease, fears, phobias, and anxieties. ​It gives insights to things you innately love, talents you have, and passions that come easily to you.

  • Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT®) and traditional hypnosis share the common ground of exploring the subconscious mind, however they differ completely in their depth, approach, and objective of the experiences they offer.

    1. The most significant difference is how deep we go… yes haha yes, into trance. But really. In traditional hypnosis, the approach keeps the client at a light to medium trance state, which you can get answers there, but it’s not as clear. QHHT is a technique developed over 45-year that demonstrates, there is nothing scary about going deep, to the deepest level of hypnosis possible, in the Theta brainwave. This is a level of trance that naturally occurs when you’re just about to wake up or fall asleep.

    2. Traditional hypnosis limits the focus on specific issues, habits, or patterns, trying to address them through suggestions and positive affirmations. QHHT® is a much much wider field of work. Each session is meant to go in the depths of the Subconscious (SC), encompassing not only the current lifetime but also past lives, and even glimpses into the future. The scope of exploration in e QHHT® session goes beyond current concerns, offering a comprehensive understanding of your soul’s journey.

    3. Both techniques can be therapeutic. Again, traditional hypnosis primarily targets the resolution of present challenges or behavioral patterns. QHHT takes it a step further, it uncovers the root causes of issues by exploring past lives and seeking a connection with the higher self. It’s a holistic approach to healing, addressing not only symptoms but also the underlying spiritual, emotional, and karmic aspects of current life challenges.

    4. Regular hypnosis focuses on the subconscious mind. That’s great, so does QHHT. Except that QHHT takes it further to the Higher Self, often referred to as The Oversoul or even the Soul itself. This Higher Self is seen as the repository of boundless wisdom, connected to Source/God/Universe, whatever it is, it is in support of your personal belief systems. QHHT® facilitates a direct conversation with the Higher Self, providing insights that go beyond the limitations of the conscious mind and that no other technique has achieved until now.

  • I am the facilitator, the reporter, the investigator, the researcher of lost knowledge. I work from a place of love and good, I want to help you, whomever you are and whatever your past or parallels may have been. What the sessions do is they uncover information that is lost or forgotten. A default of humans birthing through the ‘veil’, as we come in forgetting our past, and we must learn it all over again in the current lifetime, moreso, we must want to remember it.

    My role with each session is to continue the curious exploration, and get the information needed. In many ways I have been training my whole life for this technique without knowing, and have been an avid follower of Dolores Cannon’s technique for years. It is only after I had a chance to redefine a clear slate for myself, that I connected the dots, bringing my professional experience so far in a unique way for this practice. I have received great healing and revelations for myself, and this work is in service to helping others do the same. Above all I show you how to ‘engage with the process’ using tools and techniques so fundamental to our human existence, the voice, the vessel and the virtues®©. Some information found is even extraterrestrial or astral, etc. All the information comes from the client themselves, and they receive exactly what they can handle and what they need to know, notably to move forward in parallel to their questions posed.

    Trust that both the hypnotist and the client will never receive more than they can handle. Over time this information is naturally growing, it has to be done gradually. And it needs to be explored, curiously. Otherwise we wouldn't be any better than the Church and believing what we are told.

    If all of this seems strange to you, that's okay, it's about the gradual process, spoonfuls of information. 'They' say "you don't give a baby a three course meal, you give it milk, cereal, crushed vegetables, you don't give it steak. It has to be gradual."

    Because people come in with their problems, this is absolutely an alternate form of therapy and counseling, as these problems could be the key to making connections from their childhood, past and present. Though I am not a licensed medical practitioner, what I can do is suggest, ask questions and open up perspectives.

    I will also follow up with you and share any resources, tools or techniques to ground the information from our session into your day-to-day life.

  • I usually like to ask, what is your impression of what hypnosis is? To many, it comes as a surprise when I explain it is simply a natural state of the mind and body that we get to use. It's natural. It's there all the time. The below explanations, scientific and testimonials, can help with the fear some clients have around not knowing.

    All hypnosis is self-hypnosis. It is a natural state any human can access anytime, especially in the relaxed natural state. Hypnosis is so easy, it comes to us easily. Today there are many states of ‘hypnosis’ that exist, natural and unnatural to our brains, some detrimental (say due to our tech-forward societies, being hypnotized by your phone, etc.). The natural relaxed state is the one we work with for QHHT, at its deepest levels, most similar to the time right before you go to sleep. The role of the hypnotist is not “to put trance into things” (unlike comical hypnosis imagery), the trance is already there as a natural brain frequency all humans can access. If the client can allow the relaxation to come, the memory, the images showing (right brain), and to quiet the part of the mind that wants to reason through the images, no matter how silly (left brain), then they can still be in full control of their choice to allow the information and images in.

    A common misconception to this day is that in a hypnosis session, the client may lose control. That is not the case, the client is in full control because, say their cell phone rings during the session, they can grab it and turn it off anytime they want, or engage with it in whatsoever way, or they can choose to let it ring... which hopefully the ideal state is that the phone is silent in the first place anyway, to not throw off the relaxation that comes with allowing the right side of the brain imagery to flow.

    The intention of the trance is to bring in the answers to the questions.

    There are 5 main brain waves, representing different states - Beta (wide awake), Alpha (light level trance, most hypnotists use this level), Theta (deepest level of trance, this is the level we work at), Delta (asleep) and Gamma (heightened awareness).

    Beta and Alpha represent the conscious mind and Alpha Theta and Delta represent the subconscious mind. Gamma is super consciousness, it doesn't fit in that model. Most psychology texts tell us that the subconscious mind makes up about 90% of who you are.

    You are constantly going in and out of these brainwave states all day long. From one to the other. Nothing weird or woowoo about it at all. All we're doing is taking the natural states of the brain and using them. Absolutely everybody can be hypnotized, no exception. The reason it's so easy is because you are hypnotized all day long and you don't even know it. There are no bad subjects, there are only bad hypnotists who don't know what they're doing.

    When you are watching TV, you are in a highly suggestible state. When you’re watching TV or reading a book, you may be so concentrated on the story, laughing, crying, and someone comes into the room and you're not even paying attention to them.. that's because you are in Alpha, focusing on what you're reading. You're already in trance. If you work in an office, when you're daydreaming, meditating, dreaming, you are in Alpha, a very natural state of the body, so that you can tune out the noise around you and focus on what you need to do.

    When you drive a car, and you get so concentrated on the yellow line, you may drive past landmarks and not realize; it's called road hypnosis. When you're driving a car you are actually hypnotized. Again, it is a natural state of the mind and the body, and we are putting it to use.

    Other hypnosis methods will stay there in Alpha. Theta, the deep level, is also very natural. You go through Theta twice during the day, at least, right before you go to sleep at night, or in the morning when you wake up. If it’s at night, you simply transition to Delta as you go to sleep.

    They proved this with an experiment, where they hooked up the brain of the person to the TV, and it would only stay on as long as they were in Beta, in full awake attention. Nobody, nobody could keep the TV on for more than 60 seconds. That's how quickly humans enter the first level of trance, Alpha. People who make TV commercials know this. They know when you're watching TV you are in an altered state, a highly suggestible state. This is why I mute the commercials, especially when it gets to the medication part.

  • No amount of hypnosis sessions will get you to stop smoking if you don't really want to, if it's still benefiting you in some way. You must truly want to integrate the information into your physical reality and “engage with the process” in order to receive its fullest potential.

    With QHHT, we go to the deep levels of trance in Theta brainwave, not simply at high level Alpha that other hypnosis techniques rely on. After going through the induction and ‘travel’, we bring forth your Subconscious. As this amazing energy comes through it shares the purpose of showing you the lives it picked and then answers every question. It operates from the purest source of energy. Depending on the content, I may then ask it to do a body scan to heal and repair the body. Your Subconscious always has only your greater good in mind and the love, kindness, and humor it shares are touching beyond words. It can easily explain the root causes of your problems and struggles, and is so happy to finally 'have the floor' to speak to you.

    You can guess by now, if the magical results and insights you experience in-session are not followed through by you, then you see where the mismatch of not engaging with the process comes in. This is why I reinforce listening to the recording post-session, as that is part of the work and integration.

    A QHHT session is a transformative and powerful experience, and above all it honors your free will. If you remain open, it will open your mind, heart, and imagination even deeper. It will allow you to have the greatest clarity you perhaps have had in this life and allow you to make changes to support your soul’s growth.

  • I have people who come to me and say “I can’t be hypnotized, no one can do it.” And I say everyone can be hypnotized, no exception. There are no bad subjects, there are just hypnotists who don’t know what they’re doing.

    You are in and out of these brain waves constantly, all day long. This is why hypnosis is so easy once you understand what’s really happening. Nothing weird or coocoo. All we’re doing is taking natural states of the brain and USING them. The reason why getting to hypnosis is so easy is because you are hypnotized most of the day and you don’t even know it.

    Everyone can be hypnotized because you’re hypnotized most of the time. I can hardly keep you awake right now. Because this is the normal state of the body, and that is proven, we are not awake all the time, we are simply moving back and forth between different states of the brain.

    This will happen with only a limited number of clients. It’s all circumstantial; and also always leads back to the part of the brain connected to the control, the analysis, the reasoning. This is the left brain talking, which can might block or reason through the visuals rather than letting them come, to surrender to the images. Especially clients where it is literally their job to analyze everyday as part of their occupation or profession, it may be challenging at first. People find it nice to know these things in advance so they know what mindset to prepare when getting ready for a session.

    All it takes is patience and cooperation, some clients do put up a fight, it’s just how they’ve done things their whole life. All it takes is some patience and a little extra time to visualize. If the client can visualize, they can allow the hypnosis relaxation state to come, I don’t get discouraged or interrupt the flow either, the pink elephant has nothing to do with what you think.. (that was a trick). Besides some people are more ‘feeling’ than ‘seeing’ anyway, so knowing this ahead of time is helpful.

    Especially this is when clients express deep gratitude for my experiential style of offering hypnosis with the immersive factors in mind.

  • This is one the hardest cultural “programs” to address. You see, from the moment you were born you were taught to distrust or ignore your imagination from your real experience. Clients have said this themselves “there is no way I could have made this up because it relates so potently to the concrete questions I’ve asked and the feelings that have been with me my whole life.” If you eliminate your imagination from your experience and make it invalid or inconsequential, then you may eliminate the reception of any information and experience that can help altogether. Your imagination is the language of the Higher Self, and all it wants is to help you. Each persons have their own unique communication systems to get to know with. A QHHT session can kickstart this awareness, or deepen it for individuals already dialed-in.

    Some clients say “I can remember, I can imagine it, but I don't see it.” Remember the pink elephant? To see it is to both remember and image-ine it, using the mind.

    Fantasizing doesn't happen in the deep Theta level, you cannot make anything up. At times there are shifts in-and-out of certain brainwaves, and in deep Theta, there is no concept or "making something up" You are asked to see and so you do, it is a matter of trusting the communication coming in. Instead some people also go into the tiniest detail and are very accurate. In the deep state, clients are compelled to tell the truth, they’ve told me they cannot fantasize.

    Exceptions to this are 1) if the person is schizophrenic/psychopath or compulsive liar and that's their way of life. 2) if they start 'channeling' an entity or any else that isn't the very distinguished frequency of the SC. These are rare. I work outside of these exceptions.

    That's what the deep Theta level is all about, it's about the parts we don't remember, and it has the cleanest information. Again, most clients won’t remember all of it, and the audio recording will help them recall.

  • No. If you really need to smoke before, trust that by the time we finish talking and we start the hypnosis session, the effects will have completely faded anyway.

    Please, no drugs or heightening substances, as I may have to reschedule our session if you seem unfit.

    The point is to allow the “right information” to come to you with a clear mind and body, any unnatural drugs and substances may affect your experience.

  • No. Absolutely not. Children’s journeys are not to be interfered with.

    While it may be barely okay today for kids to run around and tell their friends at school about their past lives and dimensional ‘travels,’ you can also imagine what kind of questioning that would bring up…

    The youngest I will work with is maybe 17 years, it depends on their maturity level. The Subconscious will never give them more than they can handle.

  • Please inform me of any diagnosis or illnesses prior to our session.

    We can have a session if you are diagnosed with Autism.

    We can have a session if you are diagnosed with ADHD.

    If you are epileptic, we can also have a session. Epilepsy is simply a surplus of energy. What we’d do is neutralize the energy to a comfortable level, where you won’t have the seizure.

    Some people fear they may have a heart attack if they’ve recently had heart issues. It will never happen, and it has never happened. In the session I am simply the facilitator to help you make the connection to the information and the healing.

    I cannot work with clients with schizophrenia.

    I cannot work with people who are deaf, for obvious reasons. Perhaps technological advancements can help with time.

    If there is someone unable to make it to a session or they might need a surrogate session, please contact me directly.

  • Absolutely not. This type of 1-1 quantum healing hypnosis needs to be in-person, because we go into the deep trance state. What if we lose connection, and you are still under, experiencing something significant? …

    If you are interested in my other sessions, some are remote or group sessions, stay tuned, check the upcoming calendar or reach out to me directly.

“This is the mathematic set up so that each time anyone in the quantum collective gets their wish or fulfills their intention, that it adds potency and acceleration to the receiving of all of the others in the quantum collective’s wishes and intentions. 

This is the true meaning of the quantum spiritual family. Each time we wish, or receive our wish, we reaffirm the power of our quantum family, and its power to support each of us individually and all of us collectively.” ~ a quote from a “Magical Quantum Caves of Ireland” meditation.