Dance to Raganne's Rhythm! Join me for the opening reception Saturday night July 30.
"New York based artist will be showcasing Raganne's Rhythm, a 100% handmade recycled installation bridging physical x digital worlds with Augmented Reality.
Come interact with Raganne's Rhythm at Pollyn, and find your own rhythm across dimensions"
Nature and plants are one of the biggest inspiration in life: art, music, architecture, design you name it. Join us for a celebration of nature and connect with linkeminded fellow humans.
Exhibition: July 30 - August 5
Opening: Saturday, July 30
Music by @yasin_hazim and @mirsaev "
#weshallgrow #party #drinks #bar #gallery #bkparty #garden #plantsmakepeoplehappy #nyart #community #pollyncollective #pollyn #greenhouse #brooklyn #celebration #williamsburg #greenpoint #bees #savethebees #climate #environmentalawareness #environmental #acryclic #3d #painting #frame #asmr #bzz #sleep #fallasleep #composition #art #nature #engagement #beekeeper #relaxation #creativetechnologist #engineer #augmentedreality #alaluciana #artist #recycledart #metaverse #AR #XR #saveearth
Raganne’s Rhythm is on display at Pollyn through the week of July 30 - Aug 5, 2022.
“It hijack’ed my brain”
“Luciana is opening all of our minds. She is showing us new ways to make connections.”